Agile can work

A lot has been written about Agile. Many companies follow the trend and are in the middle of a transformation. Others believe that this is yet another hype that will pass. Younger developers know waterfalls only from hiking while experienced executives observe the revolution skeptically. There is hardly a topic that is currently more under dispute - as if it were a new religious war.

And indeed, Agile is rather a question of the mindset than about a delivery model.

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Positive Thinking has an impact

My coach is really mean. When I fail an exercise, he says things like "Great, that was much better than last time". When things go completely wrong:  "It's not about mastering, it's about attempting. The skill grows over constant practice!” I must confess, he sometimes gets on my nerves at this moment. But it works!

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We live in a VUCA world

We live in turbulent times. Everything revolves around us ever faster and becomes more interconnected and complex. Traditional certainties are questioned and formerly successful strategies are not effective any longer. We get insecure.

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